Asheville Buncombe Institute of Parity Achievement
Locate * Educate * Navigate * Advocate
Welcome to ABIPA
ABIPA improves health conditions for African Americans by providing education, health services and advocacy from a unique understanding of the African American experience and a demonstrated ability to increase collaboration, connection, awareness and trust across diverse segments of the community.
We serve African Americans and all people of color in the following ways:
Locate: From the barber shop to the fellowship hall, we go into communities of color to reach people where they are. Educate: We speak in ways that are culturally relevant and sensitive. We encourage participants to ask questions and get information in an environment of trust. Navigate: We serve as guides and companions to individuals navigating a complex health care system. Advocate: We empower individuals to take control of their own health. We strengthen the whole community by bringing people and resources together to meet an urgent need.
ABIPA provides the following Education & Health Services through collaborations with community organizations, groups and individuals in an effort to address and improve health conditions for African Americans:
We Are Here For You
Contact Information
Hrs: 9-3 Mon-Thurs
or by appointment
Email: info@abipa.org
ABIPA Health Highlights
Opens in new window.
Ladies Night Out
First Thursday of the Month – 4-8 p.m.
FREE physicals, mammograms, and health education for qualifyinguninsured or underinsured women.
Transportation provided, free child-care, refreshments, mammograms,blood pressure checks, cholesterolscreenings, and pap smears.
Call (828) 250-6006 to make your appointment.
Sponsored by Mission Hospitals, Asheville
Radiology Breast Center, Buncombe County
Health Center, Asheville Buncombe Institute
of Parity Achievement, Housing Authority of
Asheville, and YWCA.
Minority Medical Mentoring Program Banquet

Celebrating 10 years of growing our own!
May 21, 2015
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
$50 donation supports
Charles Blair Scholarship Fund